Hledám byt v centru od září, 1+kk, dog friendly, bez přítelkyně, kuřák, zaměstanný, 5500 kč rozpočet
Installation on festival Trať, Chomutov, July 2024
Fotos of imaginations are everywhere, we see them often in public spaces where there are construction projects in progress. Fences that separate building activities are lined with fences that are decorated with big plastic prints showing something soothing and suggestive of nice future vibes after all the dust and debris are cleared.
From the topic of the festival Trať open call WHEN THE RAILWAY JUNCTIONS UNTANGLE..., we have taken into consideration a sub-question that generalizes and underlines the whole topic, namely “what then”? We perceive this exclamation as a kind of strange attempt to answer in vain what awaits us in the future, which in our opinion, is beyond human capacity. No one really knows or will know what will come next or what will happen afterwards - sometime in the future.
We propose to display these found images that wrap public spaces in a reconfigured way such that the viewer can engage with it as a spatial surface and object as well. Removed from their original context and displayed at the festival, we can see how futures are being promised, as we index them in a composition of sculptural object with spatial orientation. Of course, spiced with some playful flavors.